Ride MetroLink for Free in Illinois Saturday
Take a free ride on MetroLink and enjoy the newest art installations along the MetroBikeLink trail in St. Clair County.
This Saturday (May 11) from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., MetroLink will be free to ride in Illinois, from the East Riverfront to Shiloh-Scott MetroLink Stations. This free ride zone is sponsored by the St. Clair County Transit District (SCCTD) as they host a celebration of the new “Rails, Trails and Art” installation, which features ten, moving Shtick People sculptures created by local architect-artist Gary Karasek. The free, community event kicks off at 9 a.m. at the Belleville MetroLink Station.
The free ride zone is only for MetroLink service in Illinois. Valid fare is required for riders using MetroLink in Missouri and for all MetroBus routes.
The installation of the sculptures along the MetroBikeLink Trail was made possible through a collaboration between St. Clair County Transit District, Art on the Square, UMB Bank and local architectartist Gary Karasek.
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